Pictor Mulier

Nude paintings by private commission

Order your own erotic portrait

I paint nude paintings and erotic portraits by private commission.

If you are interested in having a painting in which you are the model, please contact me.

These are paintings that I do not publish anywhere. They travel directly from my easel to the model’s house, anywhere in the world. With total discretion.

Femme du Soir awakening by Pictor Mulier
Nota Mu’s legs by Pictor Mulier

Contact me by sending an email to pictor@pictormulier.com

They are simple but essential. I need:
– That you are of age and, in case of doubt, can certify it.
– Verify your identity to make sure that the woman in the photos is the woman I’m talking to. A one-minute chat per webcam is enough.
– Receive an email with the picture for the painting and a message authorizing me to paint it (I will send the text to you).

It depends on the size and the background. When you write to me, tell me what you are thinking and I will be able to answer you with an orientation.

Yes, except giant sizes. However keep in mind that from a size above 1 meter side, the shipping costs are higher because the packaging has to be special and its weight increases a lot shipping costs.

I work from photographies.
If it is possible, I prefer to take myself. But if not, it is enough that you email me the photos and that these have some quality. Especially if I’m gonna paint your face.
But don’t worry, if you take care of the photos, I’ll give you some guidelines to help you.

Only if you want. The paintings in this section are of women who have given me their permission to share them.
Most private erotic portraits I never share. It’s a model’s decision. I mean, it’s your decision.