Pictor Mulier

Lali, muse of the painter Pictor Mulier

Lali is the model with whom I have collaborated the longest and whom I have painted the most times.

She is also the most versatile model, someone I can always rely on for any idea I may conceive, no matter how unconventional: tributes to cinema, fantasy, nudity, explicit sexuality, fetishism… She is the Queen of my Muses.
Her portraits and nudes trace the journey of my evolution as an artist. From the very first painting, “La cascade du plaisir” in 2015, to my most recent works, one can discern the progression of my technique.
Moreover, Lali embodies female empowerment and freedom. She is a bold woman with a free spirit who proudly claims her right to express her sexuality and enjoy life without limits, unbothered by the judgment of others.
In this gallery, you can explore all the paintings I have created of her, arranged in chronological order, from the most recent to the earliest.

Dare to unleash your inner muse.
Commission your own erotic portrait.

If you’re interested in having a nude painting where you are the model, get in touch with me.